Research ideas, reports about Kentucky

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kentucky Symbols

State Song: "My Old Kentucky Home" - modern version, adopted 1986/1988 (KRS 2.100) more about the state song...

Kentucky State Symbols
The tulip poplar is the state tree for Kentucky. It was adopted in 1994. The Kentucky coffee tree was the first Kentucky tree. It was adopted in 1976.
Goldenrod is native to Kentucky. It was chosen as the state flower in 1926.
The state bird for Kentucky is the cardinal. It was adopted in 1926. It received the highest recognition when chosen as the state bird.
The grey squirrel represented the state wildlife animal in Kentucky. It was elected in 1968. It was chosen because of ir ability to live amongst mankind.
Thoroughbred is the Kentucky state horse, adopted in 1996. Horses are a multi-billions dollar industry in Kentucky. Central Kentucky contained the world’s greatest breeding farms.
Spot bass was chosen in 1956 as Kentucky official state fish.
The state insect is the viceroy butterfly, adopted in 1990. It was chosen partly because it looks like a monarch butterfly.


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